The Library Board of Trustees has the responsibility and authority to review the By-Laws of The Libraries of Foster. The last update to the By-Laws was in 2010. Given changes to the Libraries in the past seven years the Board decided to update the By-Laws. The proposed amendments to the By-Laws of 2010 to be presented to the members of The Libraries of Foster for a vote at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 7 pm, The Eddy Building, 6 South Killingly Road, Foster, RI 02825.
By-Laws adopted in 2010:
By-Laws with proposed changes for the Annual Meeting, October 9, 2018, 7 pm, The Eddy Building, 6 South Killingly Rd. Foster, RI 02825.
2018 Amendments LOF_with changes noted_Bylaws_10.12.10
Membership to the corporation shall consist of:
a. All elected board members during their terms of office. b. All full and part-time employees of The Libraries of Foster during their terms of employment. c. Those who are at least 18 years old and who donate to the annual campaign.
—By-Laws of The Libraries of Foster, 2010