Tyler Free Library presents a hauntingly fun Halloween party for kids! Join us on October 6 at 5pm for ghost lollipops, beaded broomsticks, and witch origami. Come in your best Halloween colors or even a costume! As this event requires materials, please register by signing up in person, calling either library, or using our online form.
Category: Programs
Literary Pumpkin Painting
*Please note: This event has reached capacity. Sign up below to join out waitlist in case of cancellations.* Join us at Foster Public Library on Wednesday, October 4 at 5:30pm for a pumpkin painting night! Think about your favorite book characters and places to inspire your decoration. This event takes place during Banned Book Week, […]
Cookbook Club: September 2023
*Please note: This meeting is, ironically, cancelled due to extreme heat. Cookbook Club will resume in October.* The weather has cooled down, which means it’s time to crack open our cookbooks again! Cookbook Club will meet at 6pm on September 7 at the Foster Center Baptist Church. This month’s theme is Recipes from the Garden, so use up all […]
Paint Night
*Please note: This event is at capacity. Join our waitlist below to be informed of last-minute cancellations.* Who says crafts are just for kids? Join us at Foster Public Library on September 21 at 6pm for a paint night! You will go home with an awesome creation that you’ve made all by yourself. This event is free, but space […]
Kids’ Flower & Animal Bookmarks
Join us on September 15 at Tyler Free Library at 1pm to make your own personal bookmarks! Make your favorite animal or favorite flower, and then pick out books to use them on. Please register so we can provide materials. You can sign up by calling either library, using our online form, emailing ofriederich@fosterlibraries.org, or by dropping […]
Women’s Intro to Firearms
*Please note: This event is at capacity. Join our waitlist below to be informed of last-minute cancellations.* Foster Libraries is joined by RIDEM to present an introduction to firearms for new shooters. This event takes place on Tuesday, September 12 at 5pm at Foster Public Library. Please register by signing up in person, calling either […]
Peacelove Poetry Mandala Workshop
Clear your mind and calm your soul with the art of mandalas! Lauren from Parent Support Network of RI will be helping us create beautiful mandalas and poetry. This event takes place at Foster Public Library on Wednesday, September 27 at 5:30pm. You can register by signing up in person, calling either library, emailing ofriederich@fosterlibraries.org, or using our online form.
Women’s Map & Compass Basics
*Please note: This event is now at capacity. You may join our waitlist below in case of last-minute cancellations.* Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) presents a program for first-time hikers! Join us to learn the foundations of finding your way in the wilderness. The event will take place at Foster Public Library on […]
Stuffed Animal Sleepover
What do stuffed animals do when you’re not looking? Find out at our stuffed animal sleepover! Drop off your plushie on Tuesday, September 26 anytime during the day. We’ll take photos of what your animals get up to at night, and then you can pick up your stuffed animal the next day.
Celestial Treasures Stargazing Night
*Please note: We have had to postpone this even until later this year. Watch our social media, newsletter, and website for a new date. Thank you for your patience.* Join us for a night filled with stars and space exploration! Robert Horton, Manager of Astrological Labs and Ladd Observatory at Brown University, will be giving […]