Donations, Sponsorship and Third Party Fundraising
Donations Policy
The Libraries of Foster welcome and encourage gifts from individuals, groups, foundations and corporations, for the purpose of enhancing the services that the libraries provide for the citizens of Foster.
For income tax purposes, a gift or donation is defined as a voluntary transfer of property to the Libraries, made without the expectation that any benefit will accrue to the donor or anyone designated by the donor. The scope of this policy includes gifts of:
- Money
- Books, excluding encyclopedias, magazines, Reader’s Digests, textbooks, newspapers, or any materials in poor condition.
- DVDs, CD’s, Books on CD.
- Art and photographic works.
- Equipment.
- Other in-kind gifts or services
- Property of significant value, such as real estate or securities.
- Planned gifts, such as willed donations, bequests and endowments.
Donation Acceptance
The Libraries shall analyze proposed gifts and donations, and shall accept those, which they feel will cost-effectively fit the mission and objectives of the Libraries.
The Libraries reserve the right to use the donation in the best interest of the Library, and shall make decisions regarding the investment, disposition and/or eventual disposition of all donations.
Donations become the exclusive property of the Libraries and must be of a clear and unencumbered nature.
The Libraries may accept conditions on the disposition of donations where it deems the proposed conditions to be reasonable and feasible.
Donation Records
The Libraries shall maintain donor records for gifts valued over $50, the contents of which shall remain confidential unless the donor agrees otherwise.
Official Receipts
For monetary donations, which exceed $10, official receipts may be issued at the request of the donor.
For in-kind donations, official receipts will be issued provided that the value of the donation exceeds $10 and the donor provides a written appraisal of the donation’s worth.
The Libraries actively solicits and encourages the business community, service clubs, and other organizations to become sponsors of Library events, programs and services, which will benefit the community by allowing the Library to increase the level of service it can provide to the community.
A sponsorship is defined as a mutual beneficial exchange, whereby the sponsor receives a benefit of reciprocal value in return for providing cash and/or products and services in kind to the Libraries.
Official receipts will not be issued to sponsors for their contribution to the Library.
Sponsor Acceptance
- The Libraries reserve the right to refuse any sponsorship opportunity, which is deemed to be inappropriate or unsuitable to the advancement of the mission and objectives of the Library.
- Sponsorship agreements with values in excess of $1000 shall be presented to the Library Board for approval. Agreements valued at $1000 may be approved by the Director and reported to the Board at its next meeting.
Sponsorship Recognition
Sponsors shall be provided the level of recognition commensurate with their contribution. Recognition shall be in conjunction with the programs or services which are supported by the sponsor.
Sponsor Termination
The Library Board reserves the right to terminate an existing sponsorship should conditions arise during the life of the sponsorship that result in it conflicting with this policy or that sponsorship no longer supports the best interest of the Libraries.
Third Party Fundraising Policy
The Libraries welcome and encourage fundraising efforts by other organizations and citizen groups where it feels that they fit the Libraries’ mission and objectives. The Director must be informed of all proposed fundraising activities.
The Libraries define fundraising as a project undertaken by an individual, affiliated group or organization, for the purpose of raising funds for, or on behalf of, the Libraries. This policy covers any project:
- That will require the use of library resources, including staff time, rooms, equipment and images that belong to the Libraries; and/or
- That will require the Library to issue official receipts under tis charitable tax number; and/or
- That will be targeted at an audience outside the existing membership of the groups that wishes to undertake the project.
Approval of Fundraising Projects
The Libraries may approve fundraising ventures which it deems suitable in fulfilling its mission,
goals and objectives, and which will not compromise the Library’s public image.
To secure the Libraries endorsement, individuals or groups who wish to initiate a fundraising project for or on behalf of the Library must present a fundraising plan to the Director.
Conditions of Approval
The Director must be consulted in advance prior to issuance of all materials, merchandise, and/or publicity produced in conjunction with the campaign.
The Director must also approve the use of any library resources, including staff time, which is required by the group to implement the campaign.
The Library is not responsible for the costs of fundraising or for shortfalls in campaign goals.