Libraries of Foster
Social Media Policy for the employees of The Libraries of Foster
January 13, 2015
The Libraries of Foster (LOF) use social media to inform the public about library resources and activities, increase the use of library resources and provide additional communication with members of the public. The Libraries of Foster regards social media as an information source that is in accordance with its mission of serving patrons to meet their informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs.
The term social media includes forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)
The Libraries of Foster currently use Facebook, Instagram, and the libraries’ website to maintain a virtual presence in the community. All sites are administered by the Director who may authorize additional staff access to create posts that are intended to promote the libraries programs, events, and services.
Guidelines for posting on the Libraries of Foster’s social media sites:
- Post only items intended to promote the libraries programs, events, and services. Sharing news and stories about libraries in general is permitted as well, as long as it is factual and without bias or personal agenda.
- Photos and videos of library events can only be posted when permission has been granted by the participants.
- If a member of the community wishes to engage in a discussion via social media, refer them to the “contact us” link on LOF’s website and/or the director’s email.
- The Director maintains the right to edit or take down a post she/he deems inappropriate.
Employee guidelines for use of personal social media with respect to your position in LOF:
As an employee of LOF, you represent the library in our community. If you use social media in your private life, please write knowledgeably and accurately and use appropriate professionalism. Always bear in mind that your words could have an impact on LOF.
Unless given prior permission by the Director, you are not authorized to speak on behalf of LOF, or to represent that you do so. If you identify that you are an employee of LOF you must state that the views expressed are yours alone and do not represent the views of LOF.
Without limiting any other confidentiality protections LOF may have, you may not share information that is confidential and proprietary about LOF, its employees or patrons.
Speak respectfully about LOF and our past, present and potential employees, community members, patrons and vendors. Do not engage in name calling or behavior that will reflect negatively on the reputation of LOF. Use of copyrighted materials, unfounded or derogatory statements, or misrepresentations can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Approved: January, 2015