Last week, we placed almost three dozen eggs into our incubator at Foster Public Library. Now, it’s time to check up on the little guys!
On February 16th, February 23rd, and March 2nd at Foster Public Library, Shelley Fitzgerald of MisFitz farm is returning to candle the eggs. You will be able to see inside the egg to check if the chick is growing inside! Each night the program starts at 5:30pm. The chicks are expected to hatch between March 8th and 9th. Click here to learn more about the egg hatching.
Remember, you can visit the incubator any time the library is open! Once the chicks hatch, you will be able to visit them as well. We’ll keep them in the library for a couple of weeks after hatching.
Register by calling either library, emailing, or filling out our online form. Thanks!